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Jul 19, 2010

Spinning 'round

Hey Summer ladies
hows Hot Weather m3akom ,,, 2li ytbrdoooooooooon keif L jawoo L 3leeil

So, i havn't blogging for a while got some extrem events 'round

Mahawy's wedding which was an amaizing night u mahawy so so so much oo allah ywafgk oo tkoonin a6lg I.Maha then Maha Alkhalf Ph.D ya rb ameen bs plz aham shy ur english accent pls to turn it into Australine one. b9eer ma afahm 3leek o__O

Summer semester taking E-commerce " Talking about Monye?" $$$$$ loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool thats all tha matter in this course k its kinnda entertainment all of the discussions and all. this course mad me a Googler like never b4. Oh yeah one Thing the Project make me Brainstorming and nt thinking of B2C projects << k brainstorming here in KSA and nt a B2C that require a hell of a Was6ah 0___O hello there ppl !!!!!!

i know its only a plan no implemnting, but still it feels like something missing
<< IT side effect here loooooooooooooooool lazm implement mash mash

k one thing Change bdeeeeeeeeet anam L 9'ohr oo L 3a9r :P eeh shftoo 5rbt
omg 9rt anam nooooooooom
And one thing came back to life ,,, i watch anime again yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeho
k nt at like b4 like each anime they talk about i hit the torrent and watch it ;P
I only stick to something called "Fairy Tail" its worth watching really for anime lovers

I guess the new habit is hitting my head right know<< i mean what u think i am some super dupper hero with powers that can survive getting out in this sun without getting dizzy
♥ u all

Jul 5, 2010

Happy Bday 3zozi & Yazoodi ,,, Happy Bday NeNe

Well Hello everbody

another shiny SUN on us and we are surviving it ;) <<>
another shiny shock Arjantina and Brazel ( all Latino;s ) is OUT of the World club ( or Il Mondiale as azzuri says ) am so sad for arjantina i really wish they accomplished more

Okay i'll Go direct to my Post Title

@ 3rd of July two of mr sweeties chubiest bros were Bron 3zoz ( Afdo )who turn 20 and yazoodi (Kostf )who turns 9 .
Afdo and Kostf 're their nicknames when they were lil cute kiddos
wish ya b6atii kl L hna yrb oo allah ywafgk ya 3zoooooooooz oo ys3dk oo ybark lk bwagtk yrb
oo allah yktb lk L 5eeir ya yazoodti still got al the life infront of u
@ 5th of July its Nene's wedding as she sayd finally i dound some one at the same year :P
ya nasii i really wish u all luck and love yesterday wasnt the best night at some boring wedding but i lighting it up as i saw its 12:00 AM the 1st hour of it , it lights me up.
and now this morning i just rigester for my summer course ( E-coomerrce ) gd help me in that Nshallah ;)
luve ya'll

Jul 2, 2010


Welcom every body to my blog. it's almost a rokkie blog i know ;P
I'll adujest it soon nshallah
typing down all of the summer activites and it will last nshallah , okay its not all about me here nshallah me and you mr friend will talk and talk about everything we want :)